Resilience for Farmers Project

Kitui, Kenya

92,625 verified W+ Units available exclusively from Empower Co.

Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for most Kenyans, but the sector is extremely vulnerable to climate change impacts. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and changing rainfall patterns are already damaging crop yields for Kenyan farmers. Women farmers are especially vulnerable to these losses.

Farming in Kenya is primarily small-scale, with 75% of total agricultural output produced on rainfed farms averaging 0.3–3 hectares in size. Approximately 80% of smallholder farmers in Kenya are women. Increasing productivity and protection from yield loss are especially important for women farmers, who often face gender-related barriers to economic independence and resilience.

Project Activities

This project makes insurance accessible and affordable for Kenyan women farmers. It provides a safety net that helps them withstand the economic shocks of poor harvests. The project focuses on women's financial inclusion and literacy, farming skills development, delivering insurance to women through women's cooperatives and farming groups, and building their capacity through training and agronomic advisory services.

The project has benefited 14,250 women in Kitui County, advising women farmers on insurance products and crop optimization techniques. The women demonstrated how this knowledge had enabled them to produce higher yields and more resilient crops.

Knowledge and Education
5% increase

Sustainable Development Goals

This project is advancing gender equality (SDG-5) and by bolstering women’s incomes against crop loss and preventing food insecurity through collective bargaining, it is also decreasing poverty (SDG-1) and hunger (SDG-2). The project is equipping women with the expertise and resources to take urgent action on mitigating the effects of climate change (SDG-13).