Climate Week NYC 2022

Empower Co. hosted two events during Climate Week 2022 with Dr. Jeannette Gurung, Executive Director of the W+ Standard, to discuss the critical role of women in addressing climate change. Thank you for joining us for these engaging conversations!

We were delighted to share Empower Co’s mission and work with such a diverse gathering of individuals from financial institutions, academia, the private and public sectors, media, and more. Fostering a community of like-minded people in support of women’s empowerment is an essential part of our work. We love amplifying the stories of the powerful women from our projects in Nepal, Kenya, Morocco, and now, Brazil.

Globally, unless we leverage the power of women to address climate change, any proposed solutions have a limited chance of succeeding. We have seen time and time again that when women have control over financial resources, they invest in climate adaptation efforts to build resilience in their communities. Our message could not be clearer: Women are the key to solving the climate crisis.

Thank you for gathering with us to commune, educate, and brainstorm how to marshal our diverse areas of expertise to amplify the power of women.


Sustainable Brands 2022


Women-Led Onsets